


As a result of changes in the role of timbre in 20th – 21st century music, issues related to
the phenomenon of sound nuances – timbre have begun to attract closer attention from
researchers. The effectiveness of any musical activity depends primarily on the
development of musical hearing. Timbral hearing’s diagnostics is an integral part of the
development of musical hearing.
Within the scientific literature, the issue of diagnosing musical abilities has attracted far
more attention (Seashore et al., 1960; Тарасова, 1988; Swanwick, 1999; Adams, 2001;
Campbell, 2008; Wallentin, Nielsen, Friis-Olivarius, Vuust & Vuust, 2010; Law & Zentner,
2012; Ullén, Mosing, Holm, Erikkson & Medison, 2014; Asztalos & Csapó, 2017). However,
questions dealing with diagnosing timbral hearing problems have not so far been
scientifically underpinned.
Research aim: to elaborate and pilot indicators and assignments for diagnosing the
timbral hearing development level of the future professional musicians.
This study examines the possibilities of using indicators and assignments to identify the
timbral hearing development level of the future professional musicians. Data analysis of
the results of diagnostic assignments’ piloting in the frames of case study allows using the
obtained data for designing pedagogical strategies for the development of timbral
hearing of future professional musicians.
Keywords: levels of timbral hearing development, indicators, diagnostic assignments